Requesting Accommodations Masthead Image

Requesting Accommodations

As a parent, you play an important supporting role for your student as he or she secures accommodations. In college, it is your student’s responsibility to self-identify as a student with a disability, provide appropriate documentation, and request support.

Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), when your student turns 18 or transitions to college, your rights to access his or her educational records transfer to him or her. Students can grant parents access to these records by signing a waiver. However, the law doesn’t require colleges to work with parents, which could result in delays implementing accommodations for your student. Further, your student will benefit from developing and practicing self-advocacy skills.

You can offer guidance and support to ensure your student obtains the accommodations he or she needs. Your student should:

  • Identify potential challenges that he or she may face in their dorm, other on-campus locations, and in the classroom.
  • Gather and present supporting documentation of their need for accommodations to the Office of Disability Services (ODS)—Your student should contact the ODS to determine the specific documentation required to receive accommodations.
  • Reassess their need for accommodations per semester or as appropriate throughout the school year.